Entertainment Philosophy

World Obsession with Apocalypse

So, yet another apocalypse movie, yet another end of days. Is it just me or does everyone think that everyone is obsessed about the impending doom, the end of the existence of the human species etc…
I’ll just mention few of the recent ones: “Deep Impact‚” ‚ÄúArmageddon‚Äù, ‚ÄúThe Core‚Äù, ‚ÄúDay After Tomorrow‚Äù. There are so many more, old and new that if I were to write them all I’d be listing at least 50 movies. Then there are those movies that have elements of the apocalypse, even though the whole movie maybe really based on something else.

This obsession is not only recent. Stories and prophecies of the end of days are in every region, every ancient civilization and almost every ancient scriptures. Do I believe in any of them? Well, we’re overdue for an ice age, and the reversal of the magnetic poles, the earth could be hit by a giant astroid, or we could just blow each other up, and if none of this happens then our star, the sun will eventually explode and die out consuming every planet in the solar system. But not to worry, we still have a few billions years left for that.

As far 2012 being the end of the world as we know it ‚Äì I highly doubt it, but that is not to say that something major won’t be happening.
Check out what will be happening in 2012.

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