“What’s in a name? that which we call a rose/ By any other name would smell as sweet”
Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare
I recently was put in a situation where the name might have played a role in the final outcome of that situation and then I reminded myself of this famous quote from Shakespeare. What’s in a name? Ideally, characteristics of a person is what really should matter right? Shakespeare puts it so deftly, so elegantly and as such would inspire people to put the name aside and look at who the person really is, what their abilities are, what sets them apart from others, how they think, how they work,..etc..
What’s in a name? It’s just a name,…right? But is it really?
Is Jose, the same as Joe? Watch this video!
For humour, here are some unfortunate names of people, and some very interesting names of products, and some even more bizarre product names.
And of course, Apple Watch!… I guess ‘iWatch’ would have been a bit creepy.